Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 1 & 2 - Trip to Stanley & Marrawah

After meeting Tom & Lee at Launceston we headed back to Devonport where they were camped and stayed the night. We headed west along the coast road to Stanley and Marrawah. This photo shows 'the Nut' a landmark next to Stanley which is a small fishing village. 

A lovely old tree near Stanley.....I don't know what type!

Stanley Township from a neighbouring hill....very pretty!
Highfield Homestead - for sale if anyone is interested!!
Baa Ram Ewe....I'm bi-lingual!! When I said that, the sheep looked straight at me! 

We travelled south west from Stanley and arrived at Ann Bay near Marrawah. A very pretty place but chilly water...

On the way to Marrawah we stopped at a scenic lookout that overlooked the coastline near the town

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