Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 6 - Wilderness Short Walk - Frenchmans Cap

Like the sign says...Frenchmans Cap (not Frenchmans Gap). 



Care for a dip anyone...I think I've heard it referred to  before as chunky dunking.


I did it my way...does that sound familiar?

Scared of heights?! Are you kidding...Joey has been bouncing up and down on this thing like it's a trampoline.


Come on...just a couple more steps and we'll be there!!! 

Hey Sam don't you reckon Mum, Dad and Aunty Justine are slow coaches? makes me tired just watching them (...out of the mouths of babes).


On the road again...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 6 - Wilderness Short Walks - Donaghys Hill

The sign says it all...Donaghys Hill.

I'm plum tuckered out...I'm not going anywhere until I get a hot cuppa tea and a biscuit.

Mum...look what I found!  Do you think it'll be big enough to feed five people?

The Durnin Family...Leeanne, Joey, Sam and Tom.

Are we there yet?

Hey Lee the boys would be lost witout us giving them directions...they couldn't have done it without us.  We're just too good to be true.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 6 - Wilderness Short Walks - Nelson Falls

First on the list of Short Walks was Nelson Falls. You never quite knew what you'd find when you got to the other end.  Leeanne did extremely well with her 'must see' choice of shorts walks that day...and every other day too I might add. 
Tom, Leeanne and Joey...but where's Sam?  Come on buddy we need to stick together here.

Here he is!!!  Looks like he's needing some time out.

Awh...anyone recognise this gorgeous couple?

It looks like a wall poster but that really is Justine standing in front of the falls.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5 - Day trip Corinna and Strahan

Interesting name for a barge, but no fatman anywhere to be seen.
I wonder how many people have been tempted to press the button more than once? I know a few people who'd be sorely tempted (not mentioning any names). 
The Pieman River at Corinna.
Joey doing a balancing act and succeeding.
No takers for kayaking on Pieman River?  Get out of it, we're starving!!! 
Sam wearing Justine's glasses and managing to look every bit the student.  
Awh...Sam loves his big brother. 
What a smoocher!!! 
Leeanne and Samsational Sam. 
OMGoodness!!!...I bumped into this monster at the supermarket in Strahan and nearly had heart failure. 
I was attempting to zoom in so you could see the pole house above the hotel which extends the full width of the picture. 
 A Federation style house beautifully restored.
Joey Durnin...12 years old today.  
Happy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday dear Joey, 
Happy Birthday to you. 
Joey with Ben the kelpie, who belongs to the owners of Zeehan Caravan Park where we are currently staying.
Not to be outdone...Sam befriends the cat who also belongs to the caravan park owners, and might I add the picture doesn't do the cat justice, it looks like it has had one too many feeds.

Day 4 - Dove Lake Circuit Cradle Mountain

True story...they really do steal your stuff if it isn't put away somewhere safe.
The youngest Durnin...Samsational Sam. 
Joey, Leeanne, Justine and Sam, taken at Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain.

Justine and Cradle Mountain in the background. 
Wildflowers and Cradle Mountain in the background. 
Justine on the boardwalk at Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain (3 hr trip with everyone in tow).  A wonderful day. First time I've seen snow falling. 
Time for a quick Foxtrot...anyone for a dance? 

Panoramic shot of Cradle Mountain courtesy of Tom Durnin. 
The Old Fishing Shack at Cradle Mountain...very poplular shot.

Button Grass at Cradle Mountain.

Day 3 - Hellyer Gorge & Enchanted Forest Boardwalk - Cradle Mountain

Justine, Joey, & Sam @ Hellyer Gorge
Hellyer River 
Cradle Mountain Lookout... 
The ever lovely 'Leeanne (princess) Durnin' and Justine...
Wildflowers at Cradle Mountain Lookout... 
The Enchanted Waterfall... 
Part of the scenery along the Enchanted boardwalk... 
A panoramic view along the Enchanted boardwalk (photo supplied by Durnin photography)
More scenery along the Enchanted boardwalk...very pretty!